“It is not rocket science? ”
This is a common quip to say something is not as complex as rocket science. But unfortunately our ISRO folks cannot say this 🙂
Though their latest mission “failed”, Dr. Sivan and his team won all our hearts. Amid all the sympathy, adulation and recognition, what stood out was Sivan’s humility.
But it is not really surprising because when we think about ISRO, Dr. Kalam comes to mind.
When we think of Kalam, humility is the first attribute we associate. Neither the glory from ISRO accomplishments nor holding the highest office affected Kalam.
He was just Kalam. Doing what he does the way he does.
So does the humility legacy start with Kalam?
Kalam does not seem to agree when he talks about his boss Dr. Sathish Dhawan.
So did Sathish start the relay?
Wanted to see how back it goes and came across some interesting info on Dr. Vikram Sarabhai, creator of ISRO.
Fascinating, isn’t it.
It makes one wonder, When the most complex technology institution with so much at stake and so little budget, could carry forward the humility and servant leadership for so long, why not other organisations?
After all, it is not rocket science, is it?